Recognition of the Acworth Police Department for their awards received from the Special Olympics of Georgia

At the Thursday, December 19 regular city council meeting, Sergeant Eric Mistretta recognized Officer Anthony Trapani and K-9 Robuck and Acworth Police Cadets for their fundraising efforts for the Special Olympics of Georgia.  Over $18,000 has been raised as of 2024.  In addition to fundraising, the Cadets also represented the Acworth Police as the “Department of the Year” for their volunteer work.  

2025-01-24T09:32:36-05:00December 20, 2024|

Recognition of Bobby Lunceford for his service to the Planning and Zoning Commission

At the Thursday, December 19 regular city council meeting, Development Director Alex Almodovar, along with Mayor Allegood and Alderman Carmichael, recognized Bobby Lundsford for seven years of service to the Planning and Zoning Commission.  Mr. Lundsford was thanked for his time, contributions, expertise, and leadership to the growth and development of the Acworth community.  

2025-01-24T09:33:10-05:00December 20, 2024|

Ribbon Cutting Celebrating Elite Nail Spa

Mayor Allegood, Alderman Tim Houston, and the City Team were excited to welcome Elite Nail Spa to Acworth on Friday, December 20 with a grand opening ribbon cutting! Congratulations to the new owner, Mr. Shirish Dhodapkar, and thank you for investing in the City. We're so happy to have you in Acworth!   Elite Nail Spa is located in the Super Target complex at 3372 Cobb Parkway Northwest, Acworth, GA 30101.  

2025-01-24T09:33:38-05:00December 20, 2024|

Evans to return to District Attorney’s Office, Cheatham to become next Acworth Chief of Police

Acworth, Georgia.  Chief Jesse Evans has announced his return to the Cobb County District Attorney’s Office effective, Friday, January 3.  Evans returns to his roots where he spent 20 years of his career in law enforcement.  Mayor Tommy Allegood said, “Chief Evans has served our community incredibly well.  He has brought invaluable experience and significantly contributed to the continued professionalism of our Police Department.  He will be missed tremendously, but we know that he will return to a position that makes the Cobb County law READ MORE

2024-12-20T14:49:37-05:00December 20, 2024|

Cobb Chamber’s 2024 Acworth Citizen of the Year: Corporal Tamara Severtson

The City of Acworth is pleased to congratulate Corporal Tamara Severtson of the Acworth Police Department for being awarded Acworth Citizen of the Year at the Cobb Chamber's Northwest Cobb Area Council meeting on Wednesday, December 11. The City also extends it gratitude to the Cobb Chamber and the Northwest Cobb Area Council for recognizing Cpl. Severtson and her incredible efforts to serve her community and continually make a difference in the lives of our residents and visitors in Acworth.

2024-12-16T09:47:31-05:00December 16, 2024|

Recognition of Lineman Charles “Chuck” Mincey for Thirty-Five Years of Service to the City

At the Thursday, December 5 regular city council meeting, Deputy City Manager Angie Luna recognized Lineman Charles "Chuck" Mincey for thirty-five years of dedicated service to Acworth Power.  Mr. Mincey has faithfully served for thirty-five years, 33 years full-time and presently in a part-time capacity training young linemen, assisting during emergencies, and transferring institutional knowledge to the team.  

2025-01-24T09:34:30-05:00December 11, 2024|

Proclamation in Recognition of United States National Guard Day, December 13, 2024

At the Thursday, December 5 regular city council meeting, Alderman Brett North presented the annual U.S. National Guard Day Proclamation to Acworth Police Officer Gregory Hensley for his many years of dedicated service. National Guard Day will be recognized in the City of Acworth on December 13, 2024, where citizens are urged to recognize and honor the service men and women who give everything of themselves in defense of independence and democracy for our country.

2024-12-11T09:46:42-05:00December 11, 2024|

Ribbon Cutting Celebrating Jeff’s Bagel Run

Mayor Allegood and the City Team were excited to welcome Jeff's Bagel Run to Acworth on Friday, December 6 with a grand opening ribbon cutting! This new location is excited to serve Acworth with their exquisite scratch-made bagels, fresh cream cheese, and craft coffee! Jeff's Bagel Run is located at 3485 Acworth Due West Road near the NCG Cinema.

2024-12-06T15:28:57-05:00December 6, 2024|
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