Presentation Celebrating Acworth’s First City Leadership Development Academy Graduates
Published On: May 18, 2023
At the Thursday, May 18 regular city council meeting, City Manager James Albright introduced the first Leadership Development Academy graduates for city employees. Mr. Albright advised that the Leadership Development Academy was achieved by funding from Mayor and Board and had twelve graduates.
Moderator for the academy, Larry Grays, thanked the Board for believing in the concept and allowing the employees to grow. Attendees of the Academy, Detective St. Onge from Acworth Police Department, Assistant Director of Acworth Parks, Recreation and Community Resource Department Operations Nick Fryman, and Major Cheatham, spoke about the books, assessments, interviews, speakers, and other aspects of the academy.
Mr. Albright, Deputy City Managers DeSanto, Luna, and Douglas presented the academy graduates with a certificate and thanked them for being part of the flagship program.