Planning & Zoning
Monday through Friday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Acworth City Hall
4415 Center Street
Acworth, GA 30101
Contact List:
Aaron Brown
Asst. Development Director - Planning, Zoning, & Economic Development
abrown@acworth-ga.govCurrent Planning and Zoning Agenda
The Planning and Zoning division is responsible for ensuring that developments meet the City of Acworth’s minimum zoning and development standards and are generally consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan.
The Zoning Ordinance
A zoning ordinance is the primary tool for local governments to regulate land use. The City’s complete zoning ordinance and sign ordinance are available on the Web, as is the zoning map. Click here for links to Planning & Zoning documents (map, ordinance, applications). For detailed information, and to verify a property’s zoning classification, please contact 770-974-2032.
Zoning Schedule 2025
Planning and Zoning Schedule of Meeting Dates
The Planning and Zoning Schedule for applications for rezoning, annexations, site plans, subdivision plats and other development-related projects is available by clicking the link above.
Zoning Applications
Applications are required for the following:
- Rezoning
- Annexations
- Concept Plans
- Site Plans
- Subdivision Plats
- Variances
- Special Approvals
- Land Development Plans
- Assignment to Addressing
Planning and Zoning Commission
The Planning and Zoning Commission (P & Z) is a nine-member body appointed by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. The P & Z Commission is responsible for ensuring developments are coordinated and harmonious with existing and future needs and consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The Commission meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month to review rezoning, annexation and other requests. Applications for consideration by the P & Z Commission must be submitted weeks in advance to meet state advertising requirements.
The Current Planning and Zoning Commission Members are:
- Liaison – Tim Richardson
- Chairperson – Ben Flanagan
- Vice Chairperson – Richard Boyer
- Secretary – Craig Reidy
- Clay Fletcher
- Kim Brown
- Scott Butzen
- Cheno Echevarria
- Jeff Steorts
- Kevin Wigington