Monday through Friday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Acworth City Hall
4415 Center Street
Acworth, GA 30101
Contact List:
The DDA meets the third Tuesday of the month at 4:00 p.m. at City Hall.
Downtown Development Authority Board Members:
- Liaison – Toby Carmichael
- Chairman – Kim Wigington
- Vice Chair – Marvon Williams
- Secretary/Treasurer – Mindy Newman
- Jay Clark
- Garrett Reidy
- Danielle Hilderbrand
- Kevin Marcy
- Andrew Payne
- Miranda Sanders
Just minutes from I-75, located along what was a part of the original historic Dixie Highway route, Historic Downtown Acworth is the perfect blend of the past and the present. At the time of its incorporation in 1860, Acworth prospered as a typical Georgia railroad town. Today, Acworth is a vibrant and diverse downtown with three unique districts, the Historic District, the Parkside District and the Mill District, each with a wide variety of chef driven restaurants and unique shopping opportunities. Committed to preserving its heritage, the Historic Downtown District has retained its Victorian Era architecture and charm.
Acworth was designated as a Georgia Main Street City in 2000 and is an accredited member of the National Main Street Program. The DDA Board also serves as the City’s Main Street Board. In 2020 Acworth was recognized as a Georgia Exceptional Main Street (GEMS) community by the Georgia Main Street Program. GEMS designated cities have demonstrated an exceptionally positive impact in their communities
Click here for more information on the variety of shops, restaurants, and things to do in downtown Acworth!
To play an integral role in creating a vibrant, diverse and relevant downtown.
Facilitate the process of Economic Development in the Downtown Development Authority District while preserving its historic downtown heritage. We will accomplish this through establishing a culture of cooperation and consensus by building partnerships, promoting a positive image of our downtown, creating a safe and inviting environment, and by providing a balanced commercial mix.
The Acworth DDA is managed by a nine-member Board. The members are appointed by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen for staggered terms of five years.
Board Members must be:
- Taxpayers residing in the City of Acworth
- Owners or operators of businesses located in the DDA district holding a valid Acworth Business License
- Owners of real property located within the DDA district
- Persons having a combination of the qualification specified above
The DDA has four standing committees:
The Promotions and Marketing Committee is responsible for promoting the downtown to shoppers, investors, new businesses and tourists. Effective promotion creates a positive image for the downtown with retail promotions, special events and ongoing programs that continue to build positive perceptions of downtown Acworth.
The Design Committee provides guidance to property owners during renovation processes to ensure the downtown maintains its historic character while accommodating modern necessities. They are also consulted during planning of downtown streetscapes projects.
The Organization Committee strives to continue communications between the general public, merchants and the local government.
The Economic Restructuring Committee explores creative ways to strengthen the economic base through diversification of downtown businesses. The DDA seeks ways to expand the downtown economy and to recruit new businesses through available incentives. The committee also focuses on business retention through ongoing survey and educational opportunities for business owners to improve their daily operations.
Click here to view the DDA/Main Street Program Budget. (COMING SOON)