Monday through Friday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Payments Accepted from
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Acworth Municipal Court
4408 Acworth Industrial Dr NW,
Acworth, GA 30101
Contact List:
Trevez Richards
Court Administrator
Alma Gonzalez
Court Clerk
Kayla Tipton
Court Clerk
The Acworth Municipal Court is one of over 400 local courts within the Georgia Judicial System. City of Acworth Municipal Court is the judicial branch of the City Government of Acworth.
Our Mission: Acworth Municipal Court is an independent branch of government entrusted with the fair, timely and impartial processing of cases brought before the court in accordance to local and state laws. The Acworth Municipal Court is committed to promote excellence, integrity and competence while ensuring the public’s trust in the Judicial System.
Pay-by-phone, receive court date information, and ticket amounts, please call (toll free) 1-678-359-2783, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Forms of payment
- In Person:
- Cash
- Money Order/Cashier’s Check
- Visa, Master Card
- By Phone:
- (678) 359-2783 – Phone payments may be made no later than 12:00 p.m. on court day if your appearance is not required in court.
- Mail In:
- Money Order/Cashier’s Check
- Online:
- Pay Online Here Online payments may be made no later than 12:00 p.m. on your day of court if your appearance is not required in court.
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To learn more about our plea and arraignment calendar, here are a few words from Chief Judge H. Luke Mayes:
Court FAQs
If the violation is not a must-appear offense, you may pay the fine any time before the court date and avoid having to come to court. To inquire about the fine amount you may call court services or use the online payment link provided.
The city Solicitor will be available to discuss your case with you on your arraignment date prior to your appearance before the judge.
- No food or drinks are allowed
- No hats
- Sunglasses should be removed
- Parents with noisy children or babies may be asked to step outside until their case is called
- Proper dress attire is expected- no halter tops. No clothing or ornamentations that prohibits
illegal substances, displays profanities, advocates, promotes, or suggests illegal activity. - All cell phones MUST be turned off before entering the courtroom
You may hire your own attorney to represent you and have the attorney file an entry of appearance with the court. However, if you cannot afford an attorney, you may be interviewed to see if you qualify under federal guidelines to have an attorney appointed to represent you. There is a $50.00 application fee, interview will be conducted before your arraignment date.
If you wish to have your case continued for one month, you may come to court services during office hours to sign a continuance. Any further need for rescheduling must be requested from the judge during court.
There is a court date listed on the citation. This is an arraignment date. You will be asked to enter a plea at this time. Please be on time for your appointed court date as the judge will give you a lot of valuable information at the opening of the court session.
Before entering the Court Room, you will be required to walk through a metal detector at which time your bags or purse may be searched. If you have weapons such as guns, knives, pepper spray, or tools you will not be granted entry into the courtroom. If you have a Pacemaker do not proceed through the metal detector, please ask for a hand search.
The information listed below is NOT legal advice as you have many rights available to you.
- Plea of Guilty: An admission of guilt. Depending on the offense, the plea may apply points to your driver’s history or have other adverse effects.
- Plea of Not Guilty: By pleading not guilty, you may request a bench trial or, if applicable, you may request your case be bound over to Cobb County for a jury trial.
- Plea of Nolo Contendere: (Often known as Nolo or No Contest) this plea is only available once every (5) years and is discretionary. This plea requires your appearance in court.
If you plead not guilty, you will be given the option of having a jury trial in Cobb County State Court or a non-jury by our judge here in city court. Your trial will not be on your arraignment date. You will be given a trial date so all witnesses, including the officer may be subpoenaed to testify during the trial.
Must appear offenses are those for which a defendant is required to appear before the judge in court. Examples include but are not limited to, DUI, possession of marijuana, disorderly conduct, suspended license, suspended registration, no insurance, ALL UNDER 21 OFFENSES, and city code violations.
Court Resources
Probation Services
Professional Probation Services
4408 Acworth Industrial Drive
Acworth, GA 30101
Court Administrator
4408 Acworth Industrial Drive
Acworth, GA 30101
(770) 974-0965
Department of Driver Services
City of Smyrna Jail
2646 Atlanta Rd SE
Smyrna, GA 30080
(770) 434-9481